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Annie is my pseudonym. Lover of books, music, art, coffee, and a few people. :P

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Saturday, May 26, 2012


   BIG. There aren't many other word to describe God. So great, so awesome... indescribable. This makes it kind of hard to explain what He means to me. So you know what? I'll once again resort to someone who has captured it better than I can. Watch this video by Louie Giglio, and tell me your not getting goosebumps.

Now that you have an idea, I want to tell you something very important, that you and I should never forget. We are human. It sounds a little cliche, but think about it, we are human. This means that we are imperfect, small and seemingly insignificant. This means that we are weak, limited and incapable of doing anything good on our own.

I am human. I am imperfect, small and seemingly insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe. And I am weak, limited and incapable of doing anything good. This means that if I have ever said something, or done something that has touched you, or if I have ever accomplished anything good, it wasn't me.  It was God through me. I can't walk up to a painting by Monet and take credit for it, and in the same way, I cannot point to anything good in my life and say "Look what I did!" Because I didn't.  Glory to God, not me.

I easily forget this, and lose track of who I am, and sometimes it's hard to say 'Praise God' without feeling cliche, but we must do so. We have to remind ourselves and others that it's not us.

I don't think that anything that I have done is particularly remarkable, but if I have helped or touched you in any way, I say: Praise God.

"I will give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, And will glorify Your name forever." Psalm 86:12 (NASB)



  1. *gasp* (I've been doing that a lot) I love Louie Giglio. This is awesome. ^_^ What a mighty God we serve! Yay!
